Choose Security Over Convenience
Those equipped with their own laptop should opt for the ethernet connection in the hotel room. Even though it may be the pricier option, the wired connection offers better security from prying eyes. Even so, before you connect, first make sure you disable File and Printer sharing on the laptop.
Choose the Safest Hotspot
If you must use wireless, first determine who is providing the wireless service. Opt for known safe providers such as T-Mobile, which provides wireless hotspot service to Starbucks. See "Using Your Laptop at Starbucks" for tips on using wireless hotspots securely.
The High Cost of Free Business Centers
If an ethernet connection isn't offered in the room and a T-Mobile-equipped hotspot isn't available nearby, a hotel business center may be your only resort. And this is definitely how it should be viewed - as an absolute last resort.
Many hotel business centers make no attempt at even basic security. For example, far too many use the administrator account for logging on - often without even a password. This allows anyone who uses the computer to install programs, modify security settings, and purposely or accidentally infect or compromise the PC's security. Use of the built-in Guest account would restrict users' ability to install programs and modify system settings, and greatly increase the security of the hotel business center PC. Hotels that restrict access to the Guest account only are unfortunately rare.
If you must use a hotel business center, confine it to only the most essential tasks. Assume that any work you perform on that business center PC is being monitored by attackers. When you return to your home or office, change any passwords to accounts you may have accessed through the business center PC. Above all, don't conduct any banking or confidential business via a hotel Internet kiosk or hotel business center PC.